Food · Sandwiches

First Time I Ordered an Animal Style

In the last summer vacation I went to enjoy the sea in my beloved California.

On one of the hottest nights I decided to try something I had never eaten before: the famous Animal Style.

The Protein Style Burger is a popular item on In-N-Out Burgers’ secret menu. In short, a “protein-style” burger trades the hamburger bun for a crispy lettuce wrap. This option is attractive for those who watch their carbohydrate intake. Like the KETO diet.

But I can tell you that this protein-inspired burger is a delicious option for those who love In-N-Out burgers.

I only order this Protein Style Burger with Animal Fries for a year, because the lettuce wrap adds some “freshness” to the burger, and it accompanies it with slices of raw onion, especially fresh on days when you want to eat less and reduce your diet Tasty food. I’m ashamed to say, what I can do is miss the bread and eat fries 🍟.

I have to say, there really is something for everyone at In-N-Out Burgers!

It appears that this original sauce has not been changed since its founding in 1948.
Patty, lettuce, tomato and onion burgers can be found anywhere, but they have an elegance you wouldn’t expect from fast food.
You can choose regular sliced onions or grilled onions (fried onions). Grilled onions are recommended because you can taste the sweetness of the onions.
The burger is juicy and goes well with the buns, and the lettuce is crunchy.
It’s light and you can eat it with pelori.
The size is about the same as a Japanese hamburger, and one is not enough for me.

And the most interesting thing is that you can order things that are not on the menu at In and Out!
It’s fun to find your favorite burger by arranging it in many ways.
Now let’s take a look at the secret menu.

4×4 Hamburger

In-N-Out Burger’s double double burger didn’t fill you up? Have you tried the 3×3 burger? Still not enough? A well-known secret, there really are a lot of big eaters here in the US! Hidden in In-N-Out’s “secret menu” is a hamburger called 4×4.

You heard right, the In-N-Out 4×4 Burger consists of 4 slices of beef and 3 slices of cheese! -N-Out Sauce, piled on toasted bread.

This secret menu is for the big eaters only, most people really can’t finish this burger. I don’t think I can open my mouth that much.

What I tell my friends:

Try it ★★★★

A simple but timeless burger. Because of its simplicity, you’ll want to eat it again and again. And since there are no unnecessary ingredients, the deliciousness of the burger stands out even more. Not the fast food type of burger covered in sauce. You can also customize and taste your favorite burger.

Spit ★★★★★

size is modest, but it’s cheap! If it is cheaper than this price, even I, who love value for money, feel uncomfortable with what is done.

Sightseeing ★★★★

Recommended for anyone looking to go to a popular fast food restaurant in America! As it has not landed in Japan and is developing stores in the southwest of the United States, it also has regional characteristics.